Thursday 2 July 2015

Google’s New Tool Helps You Decide Which Android Phone To Get

Google’s New Tool Helps You Decide Which Android Phone To Get

Android is undoubtedly an extremely powerful and popular choice when it comes to choosing a mobile platform. Depending on which metric you choose to measure by, it’s also the most popular mobile operating system globally. With that said, some individuals can easily be put off from adopting Android as their platform of choice due to the sheer volume of devices available that run the open-source operating system. If you fall into that category, and find yourself prolonging the decision due to an indecisive nature, then Google’s new phone selector tool could serve up a solution.
The new phone selector tool, located on the official home of the Android platform, exists to try and help users “find the right phone” for them. The dedicated site serves up a series of questions that have been created in an attempt to extract as much information as possible about the intended use cases of the device. Questions like “my new Android device is for…” offer multiple choice answers, such as Taking Photos, Listening to Music, or Gaming, which then ask a series of sub-category questions based on the selection.
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After selecting the requirements of the device, and answering each individual sub-question as honestly as possible, the tool then offers up some suggestions of devices available running Android that could provide exactly what the user needs. For example, if you’re a heavy text or instant messaging user who loves to take great selfies and chat to connections via social media on a daily basis then the phone selection tool would recommend one of the following as a “Top Match”; the LG G4, the HTC One M9 or the Motorola Droid Turbo. If none of those ticked your fancy then devices like the Nexus 6 and the HTC Desire EYE are also recommended.
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The new Google tool requests that users select a minimum of three uses for the device and answer the associated questions to receive the recommendations. Of course, like any tool that chooses something based on user input, a greater amount of information provided will yield more reliable results that hopefully will end up with the perfect recommendation for all potential Android owners out there. It’s a great little idea by Google and should definitely help get a few people off the fence and clear up some confusion about the Android smartphone market.
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You can get started by pointing your browser to this link:
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